Find a full list of our linky parties here! Happy Crafting!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Watering Can Centerpiece- Part 1
Find a full list of our linky parties here! Happy Crafting!
Written for you by Unknown 23 comments
Labels: Mod Podge
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Hey Jute
Written for you by Unknown 40 comments
Labels: For Home
Friday, April 23, 2010
We are Whitney and Alish from Sisters' Stuff and we are so glad to be swapping with Scraps N' Strings today! We love meeting new bloggers and seeing all their ideas!
I recently made this Ribbon Board for my daughter and also one for a gift. It is used to hold clips and hair bows.

Written for you by Unknown 0 comments
Labels: Blog Swappin
Thursday, April 22, 2010
And the New Winner Is...
Unfortunately we never heard from our last winner so we have picked a new one and the winner now is.... Pattyjo! Congratulations! We would love to hear back from you within the week so that we don't have to pick another winner! Leave us a comment letting us know how to contact you or shoot us an email at scrapsnstrings (at) hotmail (dot) com. :D
Written for you by Unknown 1 comments
Labels: Giveaway
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
May Preview!
Written for you by Unknown 8 comments
Labels: My Projects
Friday, April 16, 2010
Blog Swap with The Creative Crate!
We are so excited to have Stacie from The Creative Crate here today! We have been followers of her blog since we started being obsessed with craft blogging. After you finish reading this amazing tutorial, be sure to check out her blog for other great ideas. Here she is with her adorable picture holders!

Sooo...come on over and check out some other FuN ideas I've got going at the CraTe... I'd LoVe to have ya!!
Don't forget to check us out at The Creative Crate today!
Written for you by Anonymous 1 comments
Labels: Blog Swappin
Thursday, April 15, 2010
And The Winner Is...
Written for you by Unknown 0 comments
Labels: Giveaway
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Face Steam. YUM!
Oh I needed one of these today. I'm sure that there are a lot of moms and and other ladies who need a little TLC so I thought I would post a face steam that I started doing way back when I was in high school, and grew up watching my mom do long before then. All you need is a small pot, cinnamon sticks (ground cinnamon will work too), cloves, nutmeg, and orange slices.
Linking up to:
Written for you by Unknown 1 comments
Labels: Beautification
Friday, April 9, 2010
The Giveaway
Hello hello everyone! It looks like our giveaway is coming to a close! I can't believe how quickly our following went up. Hopefully everyone likes our blog as much as our Prizes!! We are now at 171 followers and I think we may be able to close it out by this weekend, so watch for us to post the winner of our FABULOUS FOLLOWER'S GIVEAWAY sometime at the beginning of next week. WOO-HOO!! If you missed out on being one of the top 200, that doesn't mean you can't follow us too though, I promise we will keep this interesting, and I can see another FFG in the future! Thanks again everyone for all of your support and comments. YOU ROCK! And I'll see you on the flipside. Yep, I totally just said that... Sorry about that :P
Written for you by Unknown 3 comments
Labels: Giveaway
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fabulously Functional Towel Dress
I love this project! This is my Fabulously Functional Towel Dress. Why? Well, I have 2 adorable little boys. Sometimes getting ready in the mornings can be hectic. I don't like to get dressed until I am completely ready so as to keep the hair, makeup, whatever else seems to be lying around off of my clothing. Problem is, it's tough to keep a wrapped towel on securely when you are chasing 2 busy little bodies around. So this is the solution. Super cute and easy!
Now unpin the straps. To sew them, lay them flat and fold lengthwise from each side into the center. Now you take your sewing machine and do a zig-zag stitch down the middle of the strap to close it up. Do this about 7 times to ensure that the strap is closed and also it makes the strap really cute because it flattens down the middle and fluffs up the edges.
Pin the straps back on to your towel and then sew into place, and wha-la! You are done! And don't you feel all secure and ready to conquer the world?
Written for you by Unknown 7 comments
Labels: Beautification